BookChapterVerse is a non-profit ministry of Metropolitan Baptist Church. This ministry has grown out of a burden to provide quality resources for God’s people. There are many materials available in Christian bookstores yet much is very shallow and their doctrine is not based upon God’s Word.
All materials provided by BookChapterVerse are based on the King James text and are written by Independent Baptist authors who stand upon the old paths of the Word of God.
As you view our online catalogue you will notice that BookChapterVerse imports available resources from the very best Fundamental Bible-believing Independent Baptist Churches in the United States. We also import resources from David Cloud’s ministry in Canada. As such prices may vary due to the Aussie dollar exchange rate. However, we endeavour to keep our prices as low as possible.
I would like to encourage you to invest in materials from the spiritual field of BookChapterVerse. They will help you grow spiritually. And let others know of BookChapterVerse!
God bless you.
Pastor Mario Schiavone. (2 Peter 3:18)